Explore, Embody & Express Your Archetypal Goddess with Priestess Eden Amadora
Enjoy this beautiful meditation on the Goddess of Compassion
About Eden Amadora
Eden Amadora is an ordained priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School. Her passion is for witnessing the incredible transformation that occurs when she creates and holds ceremonial space, offering a sacred container for others to have an embodied experience of working with the archetypes of the Divine Feminine.
Eden is gifted at holding unconditionally loving space and simultaneously being a fierce voice of truth. She is a conduit for soul guidance, as she supports and mirrors her clients. She lives with one foot in the archetypal realm, holding others in their highest essence helping them to transmute their shadow - or stuck old patterns - into more self-love and empowered presence, allowing them the freedom to fully live their unique mythic story.