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Awakening Beauty Monthly Temple

Beloved, welcome to the temple. I'm glad you're feeling the call to invite the Goddess more deeply into your life.

Join us in an online ceremonial container in a circle of sisterhood where you will be invited to commune with the 13 faces of Her as a direct experience that changes your life forever.

This is a deepening step on your Priestess path. By joining this interactive 13 Moon Archetypal Monthly Temple, you will receive a direct transmission of Divine Feminine initiatory practices, meditations, and guidance that will help awaken your remembrance of yourself as an embodiment of Her.
I invite you to join, as my treasured guest.
Each Moon, via live online video, you will discover a new face of the Goddess so that you can:

  • Get truly connected to your own Divine Feminine essence.

  • Become empowered and catalyzed to bring yourself back into balance and liberate your stuck life force energy.

  • Develop a new level of self trust so you can navigate life with confidence and ease

  • Open your heart even wider so you can connect more deeply with others, while you are in sacred Sisterhood with the other women in the Temple .

  • Activate the gifts of the Goddess archetypes in your own life through your direct embodied remembrance of Her.

  • Experience the True Beauty and Remembrance of walking on the Priestess Path, the path of the Mystic.


This is an interactive experience, so you will be able to participate, be seen, heard, and encouraged to share your wisdom into the field along with the other women on the video call. 


We will meet on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:00–11:30 am PST and you will receive:

  • A Grounding Meditation and Guided Initiatory Journey to meet the Archetype within the temple

  • Embodiment and Sound practices of the Archetype: Mudra and Mantra

  • Deepening the wisdom of the Archetype in inquiry and dialog

  • Activating intuition through the sacred tools of the Archetype

  • Guided visual journey of the Archetype

  • Q&A and laser mentoring session


You will also have access to:

  • A Private Facebook group to connect with your sisters

  • Recordings of the sessions in case you miss any or want to review them

  • The written moonly transmission letter emailed prior to each month's live gathering to prepare you for the upcoming temple.

The heart contribution for this offering is only $55/month. 


If you feel called to enter the Temple and Awaken to your True Beauty, I invite you to click the button below and join us!




*IMPORTANT* – Once you register, please be sure to confirm your subscription to our email list to ensure you don't miss any important information or updates about the Monthly Temple.



About Eden Amadora

Eden Amadora is an ordained priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School. Her passion is for witnessing the incredible transformation that occurs when she creates and holds ceremonial space, offering a sacred container for others to have an embodied experience of working with the archetypes of the Divine Feminine.
Eden is gifted at holding unconditionally loving space and simultaneously being a fierce voice of truth. She is a conduit for soul guidance, as she supports and mirrors her clients. She lives with one foot in the archetypal realm, holding others in their highest essence helping them to transmute their shadow - or stuck old patterns - into more self-love and empowered presence, allowing them the freedom to fully live their unique mythic story.

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