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Explore, Embody & Express Your Archetypal Goddess      with Priestess Eden Amadora

Welcome Beloveds from the New Women's Movement Summit!

I hope you are enjoying all the wonderful wisdom that is being shared and that the feminine within you is feeling nourished and inspired for the new year!

Please provide your name and email address for access to my heart gift to you, my Goddess of Compassion meditation.

By providing your email, you will ALSO receive my FREE 13 Moon Archetypal monthly transmissions (and other periodic inspired transmissions) which will give you a taste of Divine Feminine initiatory practices, meditations, imagery, songs and poetry to help awaken your remembrance of yourself as an embodiment of Her. A perfect companion to the summit, these transmissions will continue the conversation over the course of the year, helping you deepen into the feminine within.

Get Your Free Goddess

of Compassion Meditation

Upon confirmation of your subscription, you will be taken directly to the video.

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